It's too long, I know. But I'd love some feedback.

I really need to vent, I haven't talked about any of this since it happened, and I'm going crazy.

I'm really annoyed with a former friend, and when I think about what happened I feel stupid, but at the same time, I know it was not my fault. I know I'm not an easy person to get a long with, I'm very opinionated, I come across abrasive, but I'm very nice. Now my friend she is a nice person, but she thinks very high of herself (Too high.) And she thinks that if you give her a compliment, that means you want to have sex with her.

It all started when she got a boyfriend, keep in mind this girl is twenty-one. She turned into a freaking middle schooler again. She started dating this guy, and stopped talking to me. I'm all for finding love, but I'm completely against dropping all friends. At the same time that this boyfriend crap was going on, she got a new job.. Not a hard one, just sitting over-night a couple times a week at an old ladies house, making coffee and sh*t lol. Between the boyfriend, and job, she completely stopped talking to me.

Here is why I'm so bothered by that.. My friend claims how mature she is, and "adult" she is. She goes on and on like she has lived life a million times. I think if you were so mature, you'd learn how to balance a boyfriend, and your ONLY friend.

So then after having much patients with her not responding to my calls, or texts. I finally got a hold of her and asked if I did anything wrong to her, and asked why she never replies. Of course she flips out and says "It's not because of John!" (Her boyfriend.) I told her to calm down, that I never said it was John, and I got off the phone. The next day she calls me, and asks if I wanted to apply at the company she works at, they pay great! So I said yes! Yes! Yes! She showed me where to apply online, and told her boss I was a good worker (That was all she did. Remember that.) Within the next couple days I got a call back to come in for an interview, I did. It went good, and my interviewer told me that if I did not get a call in a week call her work number. I told my friend all about this, in a text, and of course--No reply.
A week goes by with no call, so I call the number, no answer. The next day I call again, no answer, so I left a message. Long story short I really tried to get a hold of that damn woman.

So two weeks go by, I didn't hear from my friend, or the job. Then out of no where my friend calls and asks me to go to Holiday World with her and her boyfriend, she really wanted us to meet. I told her I couldn't, I didn't have thirty dollars to get into the park. She told me these exact words. "It's fine, I can cover you, I just got a two hundred dollar check from my uncle for my birthday, and I get my big work check tomorrow!" I said.. "Thanks, but I won't be able to pay you back til Wednesday." (Six days away.) She said "It's fine, please come!" I ask her if she was sure about ten time. She said yes about ten times. So I went.
The next day after we went to the park she freaking asks me for the thirty dollars I owe her. I was completely shocked. "I told you I wouldn't have it back til Wednesday." I said. She told me "Well I really need it." I said "I thought you said your were fine.. You have hundreds of dollar flowing in." LONG ASS STORY SHORT. she blew two hundred dollars in one day, and her check from work was being suspiciously held for a week.
She threw a fit, and for three days after that phone call I was her "favorite person" She constantly texted me saying stuff like "Hey hun, I'll be home all day is you need to 'drop by' for anything" I would always say "To drop off your money I don't have?" and she'd say "Yeah.. Or anything ;]" All those damn smiley faces killed me.. I had been living with no electricity for a week, and she knew that too, but she didn't care. So on my own fathers birthday, I had to drive all the way to her house, and drop off twenty that my sister loaned me, just to shut her up. I told her I'd pay her the rest on the original date.
So Wednesday finally came around, and (Also I work for her mother.) my friend had her mother take ten out of my check for her, so i wouldn't owe her anymore. I got my paycheck, but noticed some money was missing, aside from the ten. Her mother called me and told me she left out my tips by mistake, it was twenty even. I would have to pick it up at her place later.
So my friend calls me and dares to say.... "Hey. Since you owe me that money anyway, can I just take it?" I was mother f*cking flabbergasted. I said "What more do I owe you!?" She said "Well you never gave me gas money for driving to Holiday world." I said "You never asked." She claimed that she ask both me and her boyfriend, but neither of us heard her. Like what the hell was she thinking, I was just gonna give her an extra twenty dollars. I said "I do not owe you anything, if you needed gas money you should have pulled me aside and told me to my face you needed gas money." She went a huge rant about how she is such a great friend, and stuck her neck out, and risked her job to get me on at her work (if you remember from above, she risked nothing.) and that I did nothing, I took advantage of her. I got so upset.. I couldn't believe what she was saying, I freaking ended up crying. I told her that I called a billion times to that damn job, and told her to take the f*cking money and leave me alone for a while.

We haven't really talked since. I don't know what to think. I feel pathetic that money ruined a friendship of mine. Some days I feel like it's my fault, and then again, I don't. I was going through such a rough time with my family, and financial troubles and she wasn't there for me, she never listened.. I don't know.

To anyone who reads, thanks for listening. I needed to talk about it, even if no one is replying. I feel better. But I do have questions for those to do read.. What should I do? Should I try to mend the friendship? Or just let is fall the rest of the way apart?

Still sad,
October 17th, 2011 at 07:52am