WCAR Concert - Homecoming - Pictures - Questions/Opinions.

Haithur homie G's, how are you this fine day? I'm doing quite dandy, minus the fact I am freezing to no tomorrow and more than likely after this journal it will be nap time for a good hour or so. Anyway, in one of my last journals I mentioned how I was going to see We Came As Romans, Miss May I, Texas in July, Of Mice & Men, and Close to Home. Well, it. Was. Amazing. So much fun.

Basically I got into a few moshpits -forced- two Walls of Death - also forced - and almost crowd surfed. But I did almost have my bra unhooked, a dude grabbed my a*s and a lot of the girls around me had no idea what to do, so I was just rockin' out, havin' fun and they just stood there, staring at me like I was from another planet. Grr.. >.< if you don't like the music, don't go, simple as that.

Also, I got to see my bestfriend and needless to say, I finally got my hug. It took a few seconds to get his attention when we were in line, but Sierra and Dani - a girl I met in line - got his attention by screaming his name loud enough, he came over, hugged me and said he wasn't going to let go.. *girlish squeal*.. and then we eventually went inside together. <3

All in all the show was pretty great, I got a ton of pictures but I'm only showing like two of them for now, considering my computer decided it would be fun to run super slow today so here are two pictures : Sierra, Miss May I, Me. - sorry it's so dark, no flash on my phone >.< - & We Came As Romans. <3 - they were singing my favorite song, Dreams - (:

So that was pretty much my night, seeing my bestfriend/crush, and hugging Miss May I, seeing WCAR and being partially deaf now for a few days :b. Hahah !

Then there is homecoming, I went with my bff, Zach - Yes we rode to homecoming in a corvette ;)! And while there we hung out with my bestfriend Jessica Anne & Xavier-Jordan - Such a cute couple - It was a fun night, a lot of fun, I enjoyed it ;D. I love my friends.

But yeah, that's kind of it, here are a few random pictures, then the questions will commence:
#1 - Trevor is a happy boy ;D
#2 - Mirror shot :3
#3 - Welcome to Wonderland, James & Zach.
#4 - Kissy Pikachu. :3
#5 - A secret.
#6 - Nerdy Pikachu :3
#7 - A heart

So, there are some pictures, hope you enjoyed looking at them, the edits are all mine :3.. It's something I enjoy, if you want an edit done just message me the link to the picture and I can edit it up for you :D!

1. Any concerts?

2. How's life been?

3. Any stories?

4. Do you enjoy editing pictures?

5. Any favorite pictures throughout this entire journal?

I hope you all have a fabulous evening/morning/afternoon.

Hugs & Kisses,
Nicole Elizabeth. <3
October 17th, 2011 at 10:55pm