there's nobody out there

I'm pretty sure the one saying that upsets me the most is "there's someone out there for you". And don't get me wrong, although this is a contradiction, I do believe there is someone out there for everybody, just not for me.

The fact that I don't have a clearly defined sexuality and that I'm weird and definately not the prettiest girl in the world. The fact that I like comic books and I kick major ass in video games and give everything I've got in a pit deters guys. Makes then see me as a friend or a weird little sister. But I'm not masculine or feminine enough for certain girls. I'm just me and I honestly feel like nobody wants me and there's nobody for me.

And what if there is someone out there for me, there's always that prospect, that's when people say wait, they'll come to you when the time is right... but what if I'm suppose to go to them because someone told them the same thing and I don't know who they are. Then what?

Ugh, I might as well give up, right? We all die alone anyways.
October 18th, 2011 at 02:40pm