
I know you have feelings for me and that you have for some time now. The reason I asked to speak to you is because, as you know, I share the exact same feelings towards you.
You aren't ready for a relationship and I'm glad for that. It's given me time to think and reflect about myself. About you. About.. us.
The thing is, you need to let go of any feelings you still have towards me. I'm not asking you this because I don't feel the same way. Because, by god I do. I haven't felt this strongly in so damn long. A part of me is still clinging on to hope, the fact that we may have a chance.
I'm sorry, but... but. I'm not the sort of person you want to be with. Although you may see me as this wonderful, kind, caring and charming person. I'm not. Well, a part of me isn't. It's that part of me that I never want you to see. Not because I'm ashamed, not because I don't trust you. But because I don't trust myself and that I don't think you could handle it.
You deserve someone better than this, someone who isn't so emotionally and mentally scarred. I'd always have tried to treat you like you deserve but I know, deep down, that I couldn't. Eventually, I'd hurt you, Whether physically or emotionally and I don't want to do that.
The person you know, just isn't me.

So.. as much as it pains me to do this it's time to sever this connection we have. Otherwise, eventually you will see the darkness within and that's just something you couldn't handle. barely anyone could. As much as I want there to be an 'us' it just can't happen.
So I'm asking you... no begging you that you just let me go, leave me behind.
After this one last kiss, my darling.
October 18th, 2011 at 10:04pm