He Died Today 4 Years Ago... Oh and Happy Birthday Baby I Missed You

What do you do when your boyfriends worst day ever was your birthday? Weird right!? My boyfriend's best friend growing up killed himself infront of my boyfriend today 4 years ago when they were 11. What do you do when you see him later that day and he's sad. Are you suppose to act all happy and joyful or what. It's so confusing! His dad is also probably not going to make it through the night. God why couldn't I have been born some other day. I felt like such a bitch last year cause I didn't know and my parents and I got in a fight and yeah I bothered him with my problems when he was dealing with his friends suicide that had happened 3 years ago. It's just really awkward I really hate my birthday now =\
October 19th, 2011 at 04:23am