Fill the glasses- Depression

I look around me, then I see you.
Whats wrong with you? Why do you see everything in black and white? What are those circles under your eyes doing there?
Why is everyone else but you so PERFECT?
Why doesn't anyone understand what you're going through....
all you ever recieve is pity, people just say 'don't worry i'm here for you' or 'i know what you're going through' but they don't know what depression is. Theyre guessing, they just feel bad for you.
You bend, but don't break....
How come everyone else knows the secret? Their smiles hurt you, the smiles everyone else can do easy, something that you can hardly fake.
They don't know how many times you cry DAILY.
They don't understand why you crawl in the dark.
You stumble in the dark, someone took the light away from you...
All the lies, people say they understand.
All the pain, you aren't very well at hiding it are you?
My heart aches... can they not see my tears? (what tears?)
Whats their secret? Why aren't they depressed too? How do they do it? How do they laugh? I forgot how to laugh, sorry, i do not know how to laugh.
Don't forget me here... silence me.
Burn me at the stake if you wish, I'm not worth it.
The blood is too common of a sight for me.
Dear heart, why do you bleed? How do you recover from all that blood loss?
Dear heart, why can't you understand, why can't you be happy?
People think being depressed is optional. In what world is constantly having the need to cry, the urge to jump the plank, the craving to see the blood, a WISH of someone SANE?
Oh thats right i forgot, We're not sane. Not anymore, we've lost that freedom.
You're in chains anyway. Can't have freedom if you're in chains.
You've lost it, i'm tired of this. Your vision only accepts black images.
How much can you go through? It all hurts.
Time can't heal all wounds after all.
you're lost from the world, completely disconnected. Disconnected from everyone and everything, mentally unstable. I know you're waiting to lose my mind. Waiting to completely go mental and be put into a mental home. Waiting to lose my patience.
You're waiting to snap. Waiting to completely unravel.
Waiting to get crushed like a fine powder.
You can't keep up like this.. i know you.
You know it'll keep going, how much can you put up with? None of us were angels, none of us can give you that medicine.
Somehow, we'll get through.
Would you crawl with me, if I got broken?
Don't try to fix me... i'm not broken yet.
See me through.
Fill the empty glasses....
Where are you, don't forget me here...
When all has left me, and hope has dissapeared...
You can find me in the darkness.

You, my reflection in the mirror.... I understand. We are one, after all.
October 21st, 2011 at 05:26am