The Holidays Are Coming!!!!!! But I Still Need To Come Back To School And Do Homework....

Hello! Haven't written here for a long time, I've been having the exams see, and I passed all my subjects, but my Art results are awful, insted of an A1 or A2, I got an B3, pretty disappointed I guess. At least I got A's for Geography, Maths and D&T, which means my parents will not confiscate my ipod shuffle, good news indeed.
Now the holidays are coming, but because of Choir, I'll have to come back. Sad isn't it? And so far, I've gotten English homework from my teachers, just makes me even more upset. But it's still a good thing, I mean I don't really anyting to do at home, and i like going out and doing something, so it's still good.
My birthday's in December, i think I'm gonna request a couple of albums, maybe Kerplunk, Nimrod, Warning, No Pads, No Helmets.....Just Balls, Simple Plan's self titled album? Well, I'm just considering now.
I may just wish that Green Day, Simple Plan, Blink 182 or Sum 41 would come to Singapore next year, and hopefully not on exam days (or school days maybe).
So, will be writting again soon........
October 21st, 2011 at 05:28am