We As Humans, Manafest, Disciples, and Skillet concert experience!

Yesterday, my friend Ashlyn and I got out of school early to see Skillet in Wheeling, West Virginia. We As Humans, Manafest, and Disciple were their opening acts. It was definitely the most amazing concert I’ve ever been to!

Right after we got out of school, my mom told me that we had VIP tickets and that we had got to go to the Q&A session and we got free posters, bracelets, and Skillet sharpies. We were some of the very first people in, so we got to stand in the first row in the center of the stage. During the Q&A session, I made eye contact with Jen several times! And we smiled at each other every time. (: And I love her red hair, she pulls it off so amazingly! Oh, and don’t even get me started on her accent. It’s just perfect! (:

When We As Humans came on, Ashlyn and I had no idea what to expect because we had never heard of them before. But they were great!

Next came Manafest! The guitar players are so attractive. Even my mom thought so! Well she only thought the one was, but Ashlyn and I thought both of them were. And the lead singer had the most GORGEOUS blue eyes in the entire world! (:

Then came the Disciples. They were so much fun! I even got in their crowd cam. You can see it on Youtube. I’m in the front row and Ashlyn and I are wearing matching Skillet shirts and I’m fist pumping with my pink cast. You’ll see us around 0:14 - 0:15. I loved how excited the guys in Disciple were! Especially the guitar player who did a backflip off the drum stand, broke his guitar, and went crowd surfing. He’s the only person I got to touch during the entire concert. (When he kicked me while crowd surfing.) I definitely didn’t expect him to do that, but I loved it! I better see them again sometime soon! ? While they were playing, Jonathan Chu was taking pictures of them right in front of us! I wanted to say hi, but at the time I wasn’t 100% sure if that was him. And I didn’t want to get too excited if it wasn’t. Oh well. There’s always next time!

Then came Skillet. I sang my heart out to every song and took 100+ pictures of just them. I loved Korey’s outfit, especially with her mask during Whispers in the Dark. She’s so hard to take pictures of though. But I did get some amazing ones of all of them. My favorite part was when John and Jen sang “Yours To Hold.” After they finished, it was pretty quiet, so I yelled “I love you!” to them. And Jen looked right at me and smiled! Best part of the entire night! She’s my absolute idol. I freaking love her. Then I almost touched John countless times, but he reached higher so he could touch other people too. And I was too short. /: Oh well, I was sooo close to them!

Then afterwards, I got Disciple’s cd and a shirt. Then we were on our way out when we passed Manafest who were taking pictures with people and signing autographs. I got them to sign my cast!! They’re the only people i’ve let sign it and that’s the way it’s going to stay! ? I wish I would have been able to see Skillet and have them sign it too, but that’s okay. At least I was first row! ?
October 21st, 2011 at 10:48pm