Love... Wait- What?!

So, just to start off, I love almost everybody.
I try not to judge.
But I'm only human.

I never dreamed in a million years that someone would say to me, "I love you."
Mostly because I don't accept myself.
But that's a different story.

My story begins here-
I'm chatting with a boy(who shall remain nameless) online,
and he says to me,
"I almost told you something today, but I chickened out."
So I reply,
"What was it?"
and he says,
"I'll tell you tomorrow, in person."

So, I can't sleep that night.
I toss and turn for hours, wondering what he was going to tell me.

And the next day, he tried to avoid telling me.
So, after many hours of trying to make him tell me what it was,
I'm walking him to his bus, and I say,
"Just tell me."
and he says, "Okay."
And then he tries to walk away.
So I pull him back and say,
"Just tell me, okay?"
and he sighs.

"I love you."
he says.

and I'm sure my heart stopped beating,
my lungs stopped breathing,
and my eyes got huge.

So I say,
"You do?!"
(without realizing how incredulous I sound.)

And he says, "Yes I do."
and then he leaves.

So, as I said before,
I love almost everybody.
But I never expected to be loved.
And I'm still skeptical.

So a few days later, I say,
"I need to tell you something.
Well, two things actually."
so he says,

"I love you."
I say.

He smiles and says,
"I love you too.
What was the second thing?"

"You have hot legs."

Now I'm sitting here,
wondering if he lied to me.

Wondering if
I really do love him
the way I think I do.

Wondering if
we're even good for each other.
Because I don't know.

People say, "You're so pretty!
You could do so much better!"
But I doubt I can.

I know I love him,
but do I LOVE him?
Do I need him?
Do I even want this?

I'm just confused.
This too shall pass.

I'm just terrified.
This too shall pass.

I'm loved.
This too shall pass.
October 22nd, 2011 at 09:49pm