Fred Meyer Shall Die!!!!

I was at Fred Meyer today. It's a popular grocery store over on the west coast if you haven't heard of it. Well anyway I was in the electronics department gettin some headphones and music and I got an MCR and MSI CD and I go up to the counter to pay for it and the guy tells me.
"Do you have your ID?"
"No why?"
"Are you over the age of 17"
"This parental advised music you can't buy it"
"Sorry can't let you buy these come back with a parent later"
What the fuck. I bought a Green Day album when I was 10 at Target with no parents and my friend Emilie bought a System of a Down CD last night with no problem and they were parental advised. This is just stupid music isusic you can't protect the youth of today from everything you know.
October 23rd, 2011 at 12:22am