Second Date

Not as good as the first, but the first also had the police and all that stuff...

We went ice skating, and of course, I can't do that shit. So I fall many, many of times, and sometimes taking him down with me on purpose. I wore gloves for the sole reason of falling,a nd told him to expect it!

Yeah, he pulled that "Oooh! I'll catch you!" nonsense flirting talk, but I don't need no man to hold me up!
... not really. Actually, I held his hand super tight for the longest time because it was the only way for me to keep balance.

But after about an hour and a half of skating - or rather me falling, retying my shoes, and watching him learn how to spray me with snow - we walked to the other arena and snuck in to a hockey game.

He tried so hard to hold my hand slyly! It was adorable. But I made him work a little, until I gave in and he held my hand in both of his hands and rubbed the side of it with his thumb - which I so very much adored.

Then, I held his hand on the way to the parking lot, we got in the car, jammed to Rancid and Reel Big Fish. He took me home because he had work in like 15 minutes, and he held me for a while in front of my house when I said goodbye. And then he kissed me, and I gave him a quick peck before pulling away.

Next time I see him, I going to meet his rabbit, we're going to cuddle and watch a movie. It will be awesome. Period.
October 24th, 2011 at 02:11am