Um, hi.

I'm not really sure what to say today. I was thinking about rambling on and on about bra's, but then I decided against it.

So how's my life been you asked so very kindly?

Been pretty epic. only noobs use the word epic, so don't use it.only noobs use the word noob, so don't use that either

Moving on, I feel really inspired today, and it's not just because I had a piece of cake, so maby I'll go post a new chapter or story or whatever up.

So I have to write a script for English class. I have to base it on this Japanese folk tale of a guy getting scammed. Of course I was forced under necessary conditions to write it all my myself, but I'll figure something out.

I'm also the activity director for my churches family night out, so if anyone had some ideas for an obstacle course, I'd be happy to hear.
October 25th, 2011 at 12:49am