
I'm so. freaking. omg.

Ok. So I'm working on this drawing of Patrick Stewart/Captian Picard. I posted a WIP picture on FB a few weeks ago, and Wes saw it and asked me about it. At the time, all I had done was one eye and most of the other, and then the outline of his head. So at small group, he asked if it was Captain Picard and I said yes. He got SUPER excited, whether because it was Picard or because he somehow managed to recognize him from just the eyes I don't know.

But anyway, I started thinking I could finish this drawing and give it to him. So I meant to ask at small group last night, but I didn't get a chance unfortunately. I texted him today and asked if he'd want it when it's done, and he said that would be awesome and he can't wait to see it. And now I'm on a roll. I definitely prefer doing art as gifts for people to doing it just for myself. I love drawing, but if I don't ever share it with anyone what's the point? So I'm really excited to finish this picture now.

Oh my gosh though. We went to the corn maze on Saturday, Susan, Kyle, Clare, Wes and I. So after church Kyle, Clare and I were waiting for Wes to show up so we could drive down to the maze. He literally came straight from visiting his sister 2 hours away to go to the corn maze, so I drove the 4 of us. It was so. much. fun. We went through the maze twice, and the second time it turned out it was just me and him for almost an hour. The plan was to find the others and scare them, until Susan texted me to tell me that they weren't even in the maze anymore. I shared this new information, and I was kind of expecting him to just lead us straight out (it was a really easy maze, plus they had a stupidly bright light near the exit). But nope. We just kept walking, and we didn't even take the most direct path out. It was nice. Creepy because it was dark and quiet and we kept hearing things move in the corn, but it was nice to just walk. I did bump into him several times cuz he'd stop suddenly in front of me. Not that I'm complaining, and he didn't say anything about it.

I felt so bad on the way home. He must have been so tired. We stopped for McDonald's on the way back, and it was less than 15 minutes from the maze but he fell asleep on the way there. I felt terrible because he woke up when we pulled into the parking lot, and I always feel so bad when I wake people up when they obviously need sleep.

Overall though... it was good. And I'm happy.
And next Wednesday I'm planning a Star Wars movie night with the group. SO. We shall see where things go. :]
October 25th, 2011 at 05:07am