Just Realizing

I just realized this and you might too,
for the time of ghosts to go boo is upon all of you.

Hallow's eve a gather of freaks and outcasts to rule the night,
For cavity filled fun and trembling fright.

Where the harvest moon beckons a wiccan call,
for those of dark for flood the town from every wall.

I just realized sad but true, that my junior firsts are ending soon,
when drama flares and friends become a lover's have grewn.

Where mean manifest for a fall break's retreat,
when they drool for a the major dets. (details)

When many think more and more of the Prom dance floor,
And Seniors think of their final leaving out the school's doors.

I just realized how my life has passed,
With idle things that we knew would never last.

And with all of my opinionation of realization,
Of this day's final salutation.
October 25th, 2011 at 05:14am