I Could Have....

Looking back at some of my friends in elementary school, I realized many things and I wish I could say this to them now:

I could have grown up like you.
I could have lost my virginity to some drunk dude on my 13 birthday.
I could have done drugs and got high.
I could have gotten arrested with you that night.
I could have gotten a DWI.
I could have stolen from Walmart last year.
I could have a picture of us smoking together.
I could dress in short shorts that look like underwear and halter tops that show far too much cleavage even for a hooker.
I could have done all these things and more, buy, you know what? I didn't. And I'm glad.

Now, as i am, I have many good things in my life:
I have a family who loves me.
I have friends who will always have my back.
I have all As.
I know who I am at heart.
I am in AFJROTC.
My teachers can honestly say that they like me.
My loved ones are proud of me.
I hang out with people who understand me.
I have friends that dont push me to do the wrong things.

I have all these things and I'm happy. Yes, you may be beautiful on the outside because of all the make up on your face, but I love who I am because of the things i've done and who i surround myself with. what do you have? Fake friends who will desert you if you do something "wrong", an STD or two and you aren't even 15, a belly button ring you flash at all occasions, and a boyfriend who wouldn't be with you if not for sex.

When I look at you I remember the sweet girl you used to be and how we had slumber parties and went out for ice cream. I also remember the time when your 17 year old boyfriend dropped you off at the library as your dad drove in to pick you up and you pretended to have been with me and my best friend the whole time even though the smell of smoke and alcohol clung to your clothes. I pity you, I mourn for your lost innocence, and i wish there was something I could have done to keep you off this path of self destruction. I wish there was something i could do....
October 26th, 2011 at 03:28am