Teenagers vs Society (My College Essay)

I don’t have one person who has influenced me the best, I have a group of people. They are all around me; my friends , peers, teachers and leaders or people in society. Everything in our world is based on physical beauty of people. Society has a fixed image of beauty should be. Woman should be skinny with blond hair, blue eyes. Men should be tall, dark and handsome. We are controlled by the media like characters in Grammy award winning movie. It’s like they want us to be their image of beauty and force us into buying certain products and images. The people around me influence me by the brads they wear , what we see in movies, television and on magazines and what we, teenagers, as a whole group perceive to be beauty.

We, teenagers, are the most superficial of all groups. Many of us choose
boyfriends or girlfriends because of their looks. We won’t become friends
with other people because “ they look different”. Some bully those who are not like them. We buy clothes just because they say Tommy or Nike even though they expensive ,bad quality and over priced. Why does a name brand form who we are as a person? We just want to fit in but are afraid to be different. Inside, we secretly envy those who aren’t afraid to stand out. When we become older, looks play a huge role in our lives but not as much as when we are teenagers. Some people gets ahead in the job market because of their looks. You would hire someone because they are in an appropriate professional attire not in sweatpants with them looking messy and dirty.

Why do we put so much emphasis on how we look? Many people point fingers
magazines and T.V You will never see “ugly people” in adds in magazines even though we know that they are photo shopped. We shouldn’t have to live in a society where people are starving themselves, having surgery and doing drugs just to be what they see on the billboards or on the front page of a magazine. People are literally “ dying to be thin“. It’s the idea of wanting to look like something you aren’t. It’s the idea of being what “perfect” looks like, what someone else wants you to look like. How can adults want us to be comfortable with who we are when there are thousands of images that the media throws in our faces.

Everybody is guilty of be superficial in some shape or form. We all want to be beautiful. Most of us judge people by their physicality. Everybody at one point in their life ,wishes that they could change something about their self-image or be someone else at one point in time but everyone has their own thoughts. As Shakespeare once said “Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye”.

Our world will always be superficial until enough people take a stand. When are we going to done with people influencing us the way they are? When are we going to stand up as a whole and say “ I am beautiful the way I am!” Everyone has to be tired of living up to such fake expectations.
October 26th, 2011 at 06:41am