A Writer's Worst Nightmare

I had a dream a couple days ago that I couldn't remember how to read or write. It was honestly one of the scariest dreams I've ever had. I think it's transferred over into the real world as well.

Thus, I have chronic writer's block. Usually I'll start writing about nothing and the story just flows out. But lately the opposite is happening. I'm having really great ideas about what I want to write -- I know the plotline, the characters, the background -- but I have absolutely no clue how to go about starting my stories. Any creative writing techniques or exercises that can help me out?

Also, I take requests on what you want to see more from me. I really enjoy doing Harry Potter based stuff, but if you're a fan of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake or Meredith Gentry series I'd love to write something for you. R.A. Salvatore is a great author to use characters from too. I suggest everyone reading his books if you're into any type of fantasy/thriller/action books.
October 27th, 2011 at 10:38pm