Omg mibba I need HELPPPPPPPP!

So I’m having to write this paper for English on The Crucible, and I’m finished with it, except for a single word. Yeah do you know how frustrating that is? A stupid single word in a stupid phrase but I cannot think of the right one and I’ve checked a bunch of thesauri but nothing is right, so you, lovely movely writers of the Internet, do you think you could help me come up with the right way to finish the sentence?

Until this point, she had been going on with what Proctor had told her, obeying him, regardless of what she felt she could handle, yet the expectations of society, combined with the ___________ of hysteria, were too heavy, and she broke under their weight.

And that’s it. If you can think of anything that sounds right, I’ll love you forever.I just want to go watch Jeopardy.
October 28th, 2011 at 01:33am