Starting over :/

So Ive decided to Re-write my story and try to get the first story I wrote which wasn't released online finished and ill maybe post them probably not the first one though because its more fantasy and its really hard to understand all the layers I have planned I'm on Through the rabbit hole chapter three having like a weird week so I'm not expecting anything to be done by next month so yeah there's gonna be this party at my house and I'm glad to see some of my friends but my uncles friends are gonna be there half naked and shiz so yeah hoping not to find vomit on the tables like last time cause ill be the one to clean it or it will sit there for about 2 or 3 weeks the last time I left it to them to clean up after themselves ugh this has turned into a rant about my family But one Good things is coming out of this weekend well a couple good things I'm going to fright fest tonight with Ariel and her brother and all the rest is a secret ;)
October 28th, 2011 at 07:54pm