
I WROTE THIS AFTER MY MISCARRIAGE AND I HAD A DREAM OF A LITTLE GIRL. SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER, BUT THEN I WOKE UP AND REALIZED THAT DREAM VANISHED. WE CHOICE THE NAME CHARLIE BECAUSE WE FIGURED IF IT WAS A GIRL THE NAME COULD BE SHORT FOR CHAROLETTE AND IF IT WAS A BOY THE NAME WAS FOR CHARLES.......................The child layed her head upon my chest. I watched as she slept quietly amongst my lap. Her curly dark hair layed around her face. Her large bright eyes were tightly shut as she dreamed of lands beyond the truth. My darling angel. My only pride and joy. The one who keeps my heart pumping and blood flowing. The one who reminds me that I must breathe. The one who lets me know that I am loved by more than one person as she holds the finger of my husbands hand. The one who cries when I go away. The one who lets me know everything is okay. To my darling daughter, may you live, love, and dream as only a princess should. You will always be loved and will never be forgotten.
October 28th, 2011 at 08:16pm