
First, sorry for the sudden addition of many journals in the last few days. Just going through a lot and need to express it.
So, everything seems to send me into a dark semi depressive state as of late. No matter what, it does. The girl I loved either has a boyfriend or just wants nothing to do with me, even as a friend. I don't really care, I can move on and get over her I think. Sure, I liked her a lot but whatever. Then, the girl I thought I was over and thought I could be great friends again like we were before we went out posted something on Twitter that for some apparent reason hurt me. It has nothing to do with me, I think I just miss being the one that made her feel that way. The guy that makes her day. I don't want to be like this, I need to get out and get away from everything. Maybe find a different girl to go after, or just someone to talk to. I cried myself to sleep last night because I was so depressed over everything. I've cut myself up and made my arms bleed at least half a dozen times in the past few weeks, something I hate and never expected to do. It's just, well it's just that I've been depressed and that's how I had to deal with it. I've tried to not do it anymore, but everyday it seems there's something new that suddenly depresses me. I probably shouldn't even be saying this. Ugh, I guess this is life. Time for me to listen to music, that always picks me up.
October 30th, 2011 at 12:13am