New username.. Halloween!

So, I used to be Chocolate_Rose but the other day we had a field trip in my school and we went to see the play: the outsiders. We read the book last year and so yeah... They took us this year. Thing is, I absolutely loved the play and since I love the name Sodapop, because it's so unique and I love soda... I decided to put it as my username! aha :DD

Just uploaded maah story Beautifully Dangerous if you want to check it out. :)

Anyways, I have a party I'm attending tomorrow (Halloween, duh!) at the Fine Arts School. Guess what I'm going to be!!

A BEE!!! Yes, I will be dressed up as a bee. LOL.

This Friday there was a pre-halloween party in my neighborhood and I dressed up as a "cool colorful mixmatched nerd" with my neighbor 'cause we're weird like that.

Hey! My sister dressed up as a hippie... With the afro and everything! And for shoes? High tops! Yeah.

1. What are you going to do for Halloween?
2. What are you going to dress up as?
October 30th, 2011 at 08:45pm