Candy Bowl

Sorry this is so late, I just couldn't think of anything at the moment, so I'm writing this now. :D Haha. So, I'm a firm believer that candy is one of the most amazing things out there, and Halloween is just the greatest excuse to use it. So some of my favourites will be serving as your rewards. The description will be down below. :)

So, Happy Halloween everyone, and I hope that you all have a great time trick-or-treating, and that everyone stays safe. Always remember the three rules:

1. Don't blow out your pumpkin candles out before midnight
2. Always wear a costume
3. Make sure to hand out candy, or leave something our for passing trick-or-treaters
4. Always check your candy


So here's the candy! :D!!!

Almond Joy: A detailed comment on any one story of your choosing. I don't care how long it is, though please keep in mind that if it's very long that it will take me longer to get around to everything. If I like the story then it is very likely that I will subscribe. :)

Reece's Peanut Butter Cup: Personal signature. Please make sure that you have all the details in mind. If you want a matching avatar then please make sure to send me the picture or provide enough information to be able to pick our something. If you pick this please message me with the information or leave it in the comments :)

Sour Patch Kids: Story layout. If you have a banner in mind then please send it to me or give me enough details to make it myself. However, I'm not the best with making banners very well, but I can definitely format anything that you need to fit each story. Again, with this, make sure that if you don't know what you want that I have enough information about 1. the story, and 2. what you would really like to see to be able to make it to your liking.

Dum Dums: Make your own. I'm not particularly creative so if you would like anything else then please let me know. Make sure that the request is at least reasonable, and keep in mind that I cannot make profile layouts, that might be on the list next year though :)

So happy trick or treating. Ooo!! one more thing. Here's the deal, in true trick-or-treat fashion, let's add a little excitment to the mix here. There will be 2 numbers. 1 and 2? haha, nice try :P it's halloween, so the numbers at 7 and 13.

7: lucky number 7! Pick 7 and the rules are the same. Just pick your own and let me know everything and I might add a little something extra and...

13: it's not bad luck, just an interesting twist. Pick this number and I will pick the category for you. I wont' pick any of the details, but I will pick which one. :)

So yeah... I hope you read all that! :D! Because I won't answer unless there's something to be done about it all.
October 31st, 2011 at 08:08am