if i could come up with a more then half ass title, i would write it down.

my super list of thoughts (from me, to you.)
-i really havent been here on awhile.
-harry potter and the order of the phenex(sp??) is comeing out next wednesday.(cause i'm cool like that)..(anyone else super excited to see it?!)
-the last harry potter book is comeing out soon.
-i need new ideas for a story. I hate using the same basic ideas over and over again.
-i want to read---the perks of being a wallflower, by stephen Chbosky. (anyone read it?)
-my great sorrow---> I didnt get to go to the fall out boy show last thursday in Vancouver.
-the new panic! at the disco c.d. comes out this month. (hopefully. There has been no new news.)
-I am probably boring you to death.

I'm such a fake. I cant help this.
July 5th, 2007 at 03:25am