Calyx Tristram (New Alter-Ego)

I have created a new alter-ego. I already have two that I've written concept albums for. One was Cydney Romeo, the suicidal, hopeless romantic, that was shunned from society. And there was Val Raylene, who self-medicates through delusions and memories, but goes on a journey to find what's genuinely real.

My next one I have named Calyx Tristram. He's a compulsive perfectionist who conflicts with his cynical side and falls apart in his own world. He sees everyone as better than him and he tries everything to build his self-image. I really just made this character on the compulsive side of me. Lately I been like this a lot so I pretty much consider this behavior a personality. I'll be working on the concept album for awhile, it should be somewhat interesting.
November 2nd, 2011 at 02:12am