I'm starting a new 'joint story' called 1001 Reasons Why I'm Still Single. Basically I would like everybody to contribute and give a couple lines about what they like about being single, why they are single, etc.

You can write a couple of lines or just one. You can also add as many chapters as you like. I know that it wouldn't exactly doing as a 'story', it's just a fun little story in which everyone can be a part of.

To contribute, plese private message me or comment on the story. Just say 'Add Me' and I'll add your username to the authors and you can add as many chapters as you would like.

If you're interested, here's the story. I already added one chapter. :

I hope you like this. Please comment, on the story, on this journal, on my profile page, or private message me if you would like to contribute.

I hope this takes off. :)
November 2nd, 2011 at 09:20pm