Journal Entry 2

Mood: tired;;pissed
Time/Date: 7-4-07;;12:37am
Entry #: Two
Boo. I hate this. I'm trying to go to bed, but I can't. I'm trying to watch the My Chemical Romance Stream from Norway, but its being an ass and not cooperating with me. Oh well, I watched it like... 6 times this week.
It was a good Fourth of July though. I went to Manassas Park and watched the fireworks. I sat like... right under them and got rained on by the bits and pieces of the fireworks. Haha. My eye hurts from the ash that fell in them. But the fireworks were amazing, so it didn't matter. And I also came up for an idea for a oneshot! So keep a look out or that. XD

I think I whine a lot. Because that's all I did today. But hey, my MP3 broke, I had a reason to whine! Lol. I want to stop writing this damn journal entry but I don't want to because after I stop typing this, I won't fall asleep. Damn, this sucks. I think I have insomnia, and I am about to punch my laptop.

Alright, all I am doing is rambling now. I'll stop wasting all of your lives and leave it at this:


July 5th, 2007 at 06:42am