Do you believe in Bad Luck?


Any one on here believes in bad luck/good luck? Because I sure do. Today I just had a heap of bad luck and I'll list it for you!

1. Woke up, Raining. Umbrella broke once I was outside the front door...
2. New Bus driver. Drops me off at the wrong stop, making me have to walk further...
3. Go to Roll Call. Find out, Packed for the wrong day...
4. 2nd period. I'm just standing, rolling my ankle when I strain it...
5. Had to get crutches from the Pe Staff room. Both at different heights... (I mean they were both separate sorts and not the same...)
6. Ring my older brother to take me home. He believes I'm lying over the phone...
7. 3rd period. My foot gets hit separate times...
8. Sport. Can't move because crutches hurt too much...
9. After School. Took me More than 15mins to get to my bus stop.
10. Come home and get yelled at by my brother for not cleaning the house. -_-


If you are laughing at this point of time... remember Karma is right around the corner... (Just kidding I don't care.)

Oh also because I have Just come back on here... I seem to be hearing a lot about this website called "NanoWriMo?" Is that what its called? But supposably its like a writing site and I feel like signing up... What is your take on the site?

November 3rd, 2011 at 11:40am