What about Gay Sex Ed?

The basic idea of sex education is that we need to know exactly how to safely maneuver a vagina and not contract any diseases (or pass any on). What I am curious to know is why there isn't any homosexual sex education. Do we not exist? Do we not count as worthy of obtaining the holy (no pun intended) knowledge of safe sex? I'm sure that this is why the STD statistics are much higher among us homosexuals, because we aren't taught from a young age about sex ed, the way we need to see it, like heterosexuals. I find this to be very unfair and quite inconsiderate. And since this is the case, I see no reason why I should have to take a "regular" sex ed class, since I won't be partaking in any vaginal penetration. Any thoughts, fellow Mibbians?
November 5th, 2011 at 02:07am