
Wow, I haven't posted a journal in quite a while. Here's one!

I've been interested in ouija boards lately. I tried one that I made out of a piece of loose leaf paper and think I may have gotten a real spirit.

I want to know.

1. Have you ever tried a ouija board before?
2. Do you believe they work?
3. If you have tried one, did you get any responses?
4. Have any tips on how to have the best results?

This was very short...

Also, me and my grandma and my uncle came across some pictures of my sister. In both, there is a big bright light on her. One picture has her friend in it and the other has her, me, and our dad. So we think it's her guardian angel. Do you have a guardian angel you've caught on camera? I don't know why I asked this, but whatever
November 7th, 2011 at 02:57am