Transboy. College Applications and Annoying Friends

Yup, it's another Transboy journal. I might make this into a series.

Anyways, if you're already familiar with my previous journals than you're probably used to my slight over-reaction to things and if you're not, then go and read them because I'm not explaining myself.

So, I was applying for colleges yesterday and the layout for one of the sections was asking me to fill in title, gender, first name, shit like that, and I got to the gender and title bit and I was just stumped. I had two choices, I either apply as a female and explain the situation to the people at college, one that would probably lead the school to contact my parents asking why I'm coming up to them asking them to refer to me as he, him and using the name Justin; a phone call I don't think my mum would be too pleased to receive, or, I can apply as a male and have to go through the whole confusion of being at high school registered as a female but attending college as a male, another option that would probably get my parents involved and lead to another 'intervention' with them telling me to 'think about it some more' before I do anything 'too serious' like what happened when I came out to my dad.
Parents. You gotta love 'em.

Also, my friend at school is becoming quite the obnoxious bastard. Where all my other friends aren't too bothered about me being trans, my friend is a different matter; she says she doesn't care but whenever something comes up about gender it's always "Well we all know what Eleanor's like" or "We all know Eleanor's not a girl" or purposely getting mixed up with pronouns "She- I mean He- no She- Whatever the fuck you are" or my personal favourite that makes me want to punch her and spit on her at the same time, "You're not a boy; you don't have a dick!" which is a relatively new one of hers. Yeah, that one's a little harsh because she didn't even want to know what it meant being a transboy and how I'm a boy psychologically just not physically. In all fairness though, I know she doesn't mean it in contempt she's just one of those people.But I swear to god if she says I'm not a boy one more time I'm going to punch her in the throat!

So, I'd love to hear what you guys think. Both about my college issue and the fact that my friend is unintentionally a giant douchebag. :)
November 7th, 2011 at 10:52pm