Someone Be My Gym Class Hero

I had myself a gym class today. And I wanted to cry five minutes into it.

We did a sit up test to see how many you could do in a minute (the president's idea). You know how many I got?

Seven. Seven measly sit ups in one freaking minute. I could even make it half way through to minute. It too k all of my will power not to leave there and cry my heart out in the bathroom. I'm still contemplating on crying, for all it's worth.

The worst part is when people tell you you did a "good job." God, I couldn't even get ten sit ups, I know I sucked balls at it. Don't rub your pity in my face. Every time I do something physical, it's always a pity "good job." I hate it. And I hate gym class. I wish I had my very own gym class hero. Oh, brother.

I'm so upset.
November 8th, 2011 at 01:43am