Hate and other luxuries

My mum once said that she, in a way, was envious of people with Down's syndrome. They seem so care free, never upset, sort of oblivious to any badness around them. In the end, who has it better off? Even if you'll never have an equal life, wouldn't it be just magical to never be upset?

Kind of like being a superhero, huh?

That said, isn't hate wonderful? In a completely non-sadistic way, don't you feel so much better after punching a wall, or thinking a nasty thought?

Z, my ex, makes me angry quite often. Thinking about how great it would be to ruin her life, to make her suffer with emotional pain, is, in a way, refreshing.

I know. This is making me look like some kind of madman, right? Well, think of it this way. Think about someone who wasted a few precious moments of your life. How irritating was it? Now, times those few seconds by 9 months. Nine full, wasted months.

On the other hand, I am quite happy with my life. I have good friends, a better house than most people in this odd world, I'm doing well at school, and Z is staying out of my life. So don't think that I cut or something.

Life is strange. You feel like giving up. 'Getting up this morning takes too much effort, why should I bother?' Well, if you give up at one thing, you're giving up at another, larger thing. For example, what if something life changing happened that day? You'd be giving up on that too.

If you think like that, whats the point of even thinking? Life. Life is amazing.
November 8th, 2011 at 10:29am