Anti Cyberbullying video.(:

My friend Kayla and I made a video together. We really want to make a difference in the world and we think videos might help some. The video is a video about cyberbullying. We put a lot of work into it. A lot of people were in it. It says what people were called and what they really are. I think it is pretty good personally. I love it.(: It has the song Purple Skies by Greyson Chance in the background. It currently has about 130 views and I want it to get way more then that because maybe it will make someone stop being a bullying, or make someone stand up for someone else. You never know. So please watch it and have other people watch it.

Here is the link to it :­hxp5xjuTX0
November 8th, 2011 at 08:52pm