
Why do I see other girls with nice legs and a perfect waist? Why are my legs short and my waist isn't perfect? Why do I see other girls with the perfect face, with breathtaking features? Why is my face round and why do I have to have chubby cheeks? Why do I see other girls who can actually style their hair with curls or a wavy style? Why can I only leave mine natural and straight, why does it have to be so thick and gross? Why do other girls have perfect, slim noses? Why is my nose so awkwardly shaped?

I honestly cannot find one thing I like about myself today. I have society to blame for it. I'm constantly laughed at because I have chubby cheeks. I'm 16 and I look like I'm 8. Why do models have to be so perfect? I know what they go through to get that perfect body, and I don't know if I'm ready to hit those extremes. But I want a change. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to feel beautiful.

I have a boyfriend who tells me every day how beautiful I am. He tells me at least 200 times a day how beautiful and pretty I am and how much he loves me. Yet I can still find the time to complain about my looks. He gives me confidence sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's enough. On the outside I may appear confident, but I have zero self esteem. All around me, there's pretty girls every where. Then there's me, the deformed potato.

I want that slim face, nose, waist, legs, etc. I want to look and feel beautiful.

Am I alone...or do other girls feel exactly the same way?
November 8th, 2011 at 10:47pm