Why does this piss me off so much !? |Questions|

So this morning I wake up, all excited and energized for the day. TODAY IS GOING TO BE AN AWESOME DAY!!!!!!!!!!! or at least I was going to try and make it that way. Then I turn my head to turn off my alarm clock and what is sitting on my night table? A can. a can of alphaghetti that I had washed out, and forgot to throw in the recycling. My roommate has done this once before (place a can on my night table that I forgot to throw out), and to me it's the bitchiest move a chick can make... you got a problem with the can sitting on the counter? TALK TO ME LIKE A HUMAN BEING AND ASK ME TO THROW IT THE FUCK OUT! or, another idea, pick it up and throw it out yourself. I clean up after you and your boyfriend all the time but I can't leave a damn can on the counter?
Why does this bother me so much to the point that I want to find a dirty glass and plate and sock on the floor and stick that on HER night table? but I won't because that will start a war... so I'm the only one who has to change for everyone to be happy? it doesn't seem fair...
Maybe it angers me so much because to me it feels like she's trying to be my mother... Well I moved out of that house so I wouldn't have to be bitched at, at the stupid little things like not putting the butter in the fridge or being a hermit in my room and being criticized when I walked out of the house with "too much makeup on".... so instead I get a damn can on my night table... why is it that she had the energy to walk an extra 10 steps to put it on my table instead of taking 2 steps and throwing it out?

I wish I could let this one go, but for the second time I feel belittled to her from the exact same thing it was before.

1. has your mom or roommate ever done anything like this to you?
2. what did you say to them about it, if anything at all, or did you just throw out the can (or disregard it happened) and forget about it?
3. what stupid little things make you angry?
4. do you have class today? (I do and I'm late because I just had to vent to a blank screen... le sigh)
November 9th, 2011 at 01:50pm