It's one of those days...

Today seems to be one of "those" days, you know the kind, the kind when it would be better to curl into a little ball and cry than anything else? When it's really for no specific reason but it sucks anyway? The kind of day where you feel like you are on that edge again. The edge of doing those things you swore on your life you'd never do again? And it's all for nothing, and you can't tell anyone because you feel like they'd be angry, or think that you are grappling for attention, when in all reality you are just in one of those moods where everything hurts for no reason again. When you really just want a hug, but you can't ask for one. When you smile and make jokes because it's the way to seem like you're okay so people don't ask. Today is one of those days and there is this one person I know I could probably tell who wouldn't judge me, but I don't want her to worry. I don't want anyone to worry.

So I vent online, as usual >.>'
November 9th, 2011 at 08:57pm