New Story


well at least I thing it's a good idea


Tri-Heart: The In-humans

Okay so maybe this was a bad idea

Jemima's dead father sends her a letter about joining an after school tutoring program because it will look good on her collage applications, so she joins. excussing the fact that that her father's last will and testament was to send her there, need I say WTF?

She arrive to see

Dominic- The teacher with weird yellow eyes
Dakoda- an albino with a lack of tact
Aimee- A hot chick who seems to have claws
Eric- A pretty boy who at least seems normal, (exept for the accent from no known country)

And oh yeah also did I mention- A great deal of charmed weapons

She soon find out

These people proceed to tell her they are from an organization called the Tri-heart. An old group that was once a joint branch of the normal and supernatural governments. Now they exist in secret. Made up of mostly half-breed they control the barieers between the two worlds. And this that she's stumbled into is training class for their junior members

One last thing for her to swallow

The only way that she could have found these people is to be part supernatural herself



Hope you read when I'm done and like it
November 9th, 2011 at 10:52pm