Who said swearing doesn’t add emphasis?

Who said swearing doesn’t add emphasis? Whoever said that is wrong. I was just reading something and another person commented that the author of the piece should censor swearing, or delete the curse words altogether because it doesn’t add emphasis to the person’s writing. He/she was obviously offended.

Well, I was just thinking, and have some spare time on my hands, I like cursing. I don’t curse in front of my parents, I have some respect, but I do on my own time. I think cursing totally changes the tone of spoken and written words. I mean if your Mom said, “Get your a** over here right now!” rather than “Get over here right now!” I think you would say whoa my Mom just cursed at me she must be really pissed off. Or what would Die Hard be without John Mcclane’s famous “Yippee-ki-yay, motherf*cker.” Or what about in the movie Wanted the very last line of the movie was “What the f*ck have you done lately?” It’s basic diction analysis that we should have learned in English class. Do you think the writers just threw those words in there just because? No. Even the Mythbusters guys did an experiment to see if cursing helped to withstand pain longer and it increased their pain threshold by 30%! Ha!
Cursing adds strong emotion and most importantly humor, some examples:

“My name is Zeus. You know, king of the gods, Mount Olympus, don’t f*ck with me or I’ll shove a lightning bolt up you’re a**, ZEUS! You got a problem with that?” - Die Hard with a Vengeance

“I'm Ron Burgundy. Go f*ck yourself, San Diego” –Anchorman

“You’re a great person. You’re the best person. It’s just that sometimes, you can be a real c*nt.” - Kill Bill 2

"FuckshitcockasstittiesbonerbitchmuffpussycuntbuttholeBARBARASTREISAND!" - South Park Bigger, Longer and Uncut

“You don't want girls to think you suck d*ck at f*cking p*ssy.” -Superbad

“Ron Burgundy: You are a smelly pirate hooker.
Veronica Corningstone: You look like a blueberry.
Ron Burgundy: Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?" -Anchorman

“Mama's making a pubey salad and wants Seth's own dressing! She's DTF man, Down To F*ck, Pee in Vagee! I'll be the Iron Chef of pounding Vajj!" –Superbad

“What’s the big deal? It doesn’t hurt anybody. F*ck, f*ckity, f*ck-f*ck-f*ck!” - South Park Bigger, Longer and Uncut

That was a good quote to end on. Now, come on, would these movies be as funny as they are without the profanity? Everyone curses whether they’d admit it or not, no matter the social class, race, gender, or age. Why swearing is such a taboo, I’m not quite sure, or rather I refuse to get into it. So I hope this makes you think about this subject a little more, and I’m not trying to start a debate but just thinking out loud, or writing lol. Either way thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great f*cking rest of the night.
November 10th, 2011 at 04:52am