
Today's zodiac sign is the Sagittarius.

November 22 - December 21

Element: Fire

Ruling planets: Jupiter

Symbol: The Archer

Stone: Turquoise

Life Pursuit: To live the good life

Vibration: Overly expressive - frequent burnouts

Sagittarian's Secret Desire: To make a difference in the world

Ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are renowned for aiming their sights towards whatever it is they find alluring - a love partner, dream job, vacation - and making it their own. They believe that anything is possible - and because of this belief system, Sagittarians are adept at seeking out their very own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

But sometimes trying to tie down these free-spirited individuals is frustrating for those around them. Sagittarians are happiest on the move - exploring new cultures and ideas and many are attracted to occupations related to travel, the media, outdoor work and philosophical pursuits. In love, their catch-cry is "don't fence me in". But once they find a partner who understands their need to retain their own sense of self and identity, Sagittarians can be the most big-hearted, generous and fun-loving companions of all.

Freedom loving, optimistic and honest, Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and higher learning. The wisdom of Jupiter imbibes Sagittarians with an inherent need to develop their own unique philosophy of life. The Centaur is their astrological symbol, and it gives many insights into the Sagittarian personality. The higher-evolved Sagittarian learns to integrate the two ends of the Centaur (half-human, half-beast) in order for their arrow (another Sagittarian symbol) of higher aspirations to be more on the mark. Although they are intellectually and spiritually advanced, Sagittarians are notorious for their lack of tact. In relationships they demand independence, but when in love, it can't be denied that they are one of the most big-hearted signs of the zodiac.

Sagittarius or the arch man, from mythology, this constellation is the image of the centaur Chiron, a being who distinguished of the others by his wisdom and knowledge. It was born of the loves between Cronos and the Filira nymph, and had the strange form of half man, half horse, because his father had to become horse to generate it. According to the legend, her mother when seeing that she had generated a monster requested the Gods that transformed it, being turned linden tree.

Chiron was taught by Apolo and Artemisa in the art of the medicine and the hunting, establishing a consultation in a grotto and its disciples was numerous: Cástor, Pollux, Ulises, etc. In the course of a combat it was hurt by an arrow soaked in the blood of the Hidra Lerna, which produced terrible pains to him. Since he was inmortal, it did not want to continue living with a perpetual agony, reason why with the consent of the Gods it shortly after offered his immortality to Prometheus, expiring. Zeus put between the stars of the sky constituting the constellation of Sagittarius (the arch man).

Star Sign Compatibility:
Generally, the qualities of Sagittarius are considered to be compatible with these signs: Aries and Leo, and to a lesser extent with these signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Virgo and Pisces are signs of the opposing nature (feminine/introverted), but are considered semi-compatible with Sagittarius due to their having the same mutable quality. Compatibility based on sun-sign alone is considered to be only a very general guideline. The branch of astrology dealing with interpersonal relationships is called Synastry. In this, astrologers analyse the horoscopes of both parties being considered with particular reference to the positions of the Sun and Moon, and Venus and Mars.
November 10th, 2011 at 12:53pm