
So, I don't do very good wit the whole "putting my stuff out there thing. ButI eally need someone to talk to. So, here goes.

I'm depressed.

There. I said it.

I miss my ex so much and I just want to be in his arms. I want feel his lips on me. I want to his hear his sweet voice tell me non-sense. I want to feel my hands in his. I just want him. I want to hear him say he loves me like he always did. I want to feel the small kisses he would give me, even when I was doing something else.

I want him so bad, it hurts.

I'm in love with him.

And no. Not tht silly, high school, puppy dog, baby, first love, love. I mean full blown, without a care, only me and him, no one else, love.

I don't use that word....ever.....i hate t actually. We've never really gotten along. I just..idk. When I broke up with him, I didn't know how bad I loved him.

He's my air.

I hate love. I hate that I love HIM! Of all people. He hates my guts!!!!!!!!!!! And I can understand why. I broke up with him...twice. Yeah...go ahead, say it. I'm a cold heartless bitch and I deserve to feel this..

Lonely, depressed, sad, longing.

I just can't help it. And he's made it clear he never wants me...ever again.

I'm so depressed....
November 12th, 2011 at 12:54am