how it all ended

Voice whisper at the dead of night, telling me to fight. Fight the words, fight the feeling… Fighting seem to get me no where. It got me nothing. I watch the airplanes move around, pretending they were stars like I did when I was little. Everything seemed beautiful here, and now it seemed like it had nothing. I came back for myself but as I stayed I found a longing to a place I never loved, the warmth of words left me in nights like this. The phone rang and as I stared at the name I answered but my voice was flat, the other forced. The sky was so far , it held no comfort.. No understanding. The chill ran over my spine, a chill not even a borrowed jacket could erase. We had been on death row since the beginning and yet every time I had suggested the Idea of either of us getting hurt, it was shut down with , now, sickening sweet words… or lies as most know them by. The crickets played a symphony of morbid music to soundtrack the final words. My eyes glanced at the grinning moon wondering if it knew what it was like to cry, to sob so hard you choked on the air you rather not breath. I let my eyes stay focused on the shadow masked green grass and I walked away. One more glance at the stars and it was the end. We were no more, no matter how long the writer kept writing, it all ended that night. Just as I said it would, by the villain with no remorse. The door shuts and the whispers end. The things exchanged stuck in my mind and any trust that had been placed retracted quickly. The phone call had long but been over but voices rang in my head…. Just other night of pretending I was asleep…Another night of many.
November 12th, 2011 at 02:02am