If it is good enough to be written, it is good enough to be read.

"If it is good enough to be written, it is good enough to be read."
This was said by my friend Emily after we had watched a video on the censorship of books in our english class on Thursday, November 10. It made me sad to think that peopl would remove such iconic books from our libraries. I know some are racist, but that was a part of our history and should be read about.

So because of that I want anyone to reads this to send me there story and I promise with all my heart to read an comment on that. You don't even have to read one of mine. I just want to read and read every story you people can come up with. I'll read anything. I want to read everything. I'm getting kind of emotional about this. It makes me want to write something emotional and sad. Maybe I should write my first romance and cry about it all niht till I pass out.

I kind of went of topic there and I apologize. Please send me all the stories you want me to read. I really want to read more.
November 12th, 2011 at 03:22am