I missed it. Plus other things. Questions?

Yesterday was 11/11/11. I was at work when I noticed this ahaha. So I'm registering a patient, and we're talking about the date, and he mentions how people are making wishes at 11:11 on 11/11/11. So I'm all OMFG THAT'S SO COOL I WANT TO TRY LOLZ. This was around like, 8 in the morning.

So I'm chilling at work, and then I remember the 11:11 thing, and I look at the clock. It's 11:23. Hahah. Fail. I missed it. ]:

I thought I was getting pulled over yesterday...

I was freaking the f*ck out. I'm doing about 65 mph in a 50 mph zone because there was no traffic due to how early in the morning it was. All of a sudden I saw two police cars with their sirens on behind me, and I'm thinking "sh*t sh*t sh*t" and start to pull over.

Once I got to the side of the road they just kept driving. I'm sure they noticed I was speeding, hahaah. I guess they just wanted to get in front of me? Regardless of why they didn't pull me over, it was a huge relief to see them drive right by me when I pulled over. :]


1. Have you ever gotten pulled over?
2. Did you do the wish thing on 11:11am?
3. How's your weekend going so far?
November 12th, 2011 at 09:13pm