Flying cats with the body of a popular breakfast item// A visit to OCCUPY!

Once again, I have a weird name for my journal entry. But you know what? That's okay.
In any case, today I will be talking about the ever famous "Nyan Cat", as well as visiting my local Occupy site.

So. Nyan Cat. It's....a bit irritating (That's an understatement). But I'd like to say right now, that I HATE IT when people mispronounce things. It doesn't matter how much I may like or dislike whatever the person is talking about, but it still gets to me. Currently, my sibling is OBSESSED with Nyan Cat. The problem is...they mispronounces it. ALL THE TIME. It doesn't matter how many times I tell them how to pronounce it correctly, they still say it "Ni-yan". Okay, so I may be being a little hyper-sensitive about it, but I can't exactly help that. (I'm betting I'm not the only one who is annoyed by this factor. Haha.)
In other news, I'm sure most of you have heard of the "Occupy" movement that's been going on all over the world. Today I visited an Occupy site in my city with a few of my friends. It was cold, miserable, smelled a little funny, but the people there were happy to tell us about why they were protesting. (I found this quite interesting, actually. They were really nice people, too!) I certainly got a lot of good information, and am now debating whether or not I should write up an article about it. (Considering how lazy I am, I probably will put it off and never do that....I hate how well I know myself! XD)

Anyways, that was today's rant...comments are welcomed, but not entirely necessary. (Aww, who am I kidding? I love comments. XD)
November 13th, 2011 at 07:44pm