Crushes, and Bestfriends.

Okay, I have a crush. or I did?
or whatever.

Well There is this broski, in my weight training(a.k.a. physical education) class.
and yeah he's hot and there are plenty of other hot dudes. so yup.
Well about a week or 2 ago I met him. Because of a friend of mine.
And this guy turned out to not just be a meathead. He was actually pretty smart.(cough; also younger then I am[not to much young though 8 months I swear])

Well said dude is 15 (I'm 16) and ANYWAYS GETTTING OFF TRACK.. He's in calc, and AP history, and English Honors, and AP bio. so The kid is pretty fucking smart.
Not to mention he makes me laugh and I always have fun with him.

So, we kissed, several times.. yadda yadda yadda.. BAM.. crush has been started on my part.
Now this kid, is obviously not into relationships and its fine by me cause I'm really not either.
He's a fucking great kisser- stopping right there.

Aha well anyways I introduced him to one of my most trusted friends and of course she thinks he's cute and stuff.
Well, soo We chilled alot with him and saturday night (which she knew i had a major crush on him) she cuddled.... we I saw cuddled I don't mean the little hug its cold cuddle I mean the spooning on the fucking verge of making out cuddling. Which I'm not pissed off at him because seriously SHE knew I liked him SHE could have said hey dude, back the fuck off. But no.

Now let me explain he's a very touchy guy so that's normal, she went from the first night of meeting him saying; "BRITTANY, Don't leave me alone with him!" to the next night of it was just the three of us and I was gonna leave with my friend to go with him to get food and she happily was like "OKAY!" just so she could be alone with him.

Well I spoke with him, and he said they didn't kiss and she said they didn't and I know they didn't so its not a big deal. Well Last night. I was at his house and Me and said dude were talking about them not kissing and he said. She was giving him mixed signals so he didn't. Then he should me a text from her; saying "wish you where here! ;)"

...... Do you see my frustration? I hope so.
Now, this girl.
She knows absolutely everything about me. Well almsot everything.
But especially the important stuff.
Also, she normally isn't the type to do this shit.
AND today (cause I freaked out on her last night)

I kinda did ask her "Doesn't that make you a bitch for doing that?" which was kinda harsh I admit but C'MON
I had even told her HEY, if you like him its alright just tell me you know.
And I totally get I do not own this dude. he is not mine. But I think honest morals and friendship.
I think she would like respect the fact that I had a major crush on him and not invite him to her house the next morning without inviting me because she didn't want me there.
Or after I said he was kinda off limits she said technically he's fair game.

So.. answer these questions for me... Does it make me a horrible friend for freaking out on her?
I mean the whole thing is sorta stupid, but the fact that SHE out of all people would do that to me hurts me the most. so I really don't understand. Like.. am I wrong for feeling hurt about this?
Should I step aside and let her go after him, even though he himself(and his bestfriend) told me he wasn't into relationships he just wanted to mess around or make out.? This confuses me.
So what do you think? (and don't say its fucking highschool get over it, that has nothing to do with it. When a goddamn trustworthy friend I thought she was does that, what the fuck do you do?)
November 14th, 2011 at 02:44am