Reason why I fail IN OC STORY FORM 11/14/11

Journals are stupid, so I'll put it into the form of a story:

"Elizabeth?" the tall blonde Irish boy called into the apartment. He was grateful and upset that his friend's apartment was unlocked.

"Nate?" the Boston bred brunette called from a distant bedroom at the end of the dim off-white hallway.

"Elizabeth? Where are- are you okay?" Nate asked as he came upon a sight he didn't expect.

"Do I look alright?" the miserable girl moaned from her position on her bed. She sat sans pants, in boxer shorts, cross legged on her bed, in front of the blaring television, clutching a Ben&Jerry's mini tub.

Nate tried his best to bite the grin trying to emerge on his face, but the dimples got through and his two front teeth gave away.

"Don't mock me Nate," Elizabeth flung her head back onto her pillows and moaned, imitating a ghost with a stomach ache.

"What's wrong?" he chuckled. "You haven't been writing anything and the big man's getting anxious, yeah?"

"I've written some," Elizabeth mumbled, muting the television. Her hair, unkempt sat messily around her shoulders.

"Since September," Nate commented, taking a seat next to her on the bed.

"So?" She snapped.

"It's November, Liz," Nate said slowly. Elizabeth groaned again and this time pretending to cry.

"Nobody loves me," she wailed.

"Don't say that you selfish slag," Nate laughed elbowing her comically. "You know you've got some mail from some fans,"

Elizabeth pouted ashamedly. "God knows I want to. I miss writing," Elizabeth sighed and took on a more serious tone.

"Then why don't you? Go on then. Get to your technology and waste away your time in front of some bright LED screen that'll take away your eyesight one day," Nate nudged her again, peering at her with his large brownish black eyes. She made a mental note to use that in her writing later.

"It's not that easy," she rubbed her temples testily.

"Sure it is. Just write what they want to hear. Simple, no?"

"It doesn't work that way," Elizabeth shook her head. "Creativity is a gift and a curse. It comes and goes when it wants. And if you don't treat it well, then it doesn't work the way you want it to. Am I making any sense?" she rambled, her hands moving in circles.

Nate loved the way she talked with her hands. Her long slender fingers threading through the air, almost drawing the ideas on in front of her.

"Not really," Nate pursed his lips. "So you're saying you've got writers jam? Block. Whatever it's called?"

"No, that's the problem," Elizabeth groaned. "I have too many ideas,"

"Swell! Write a quickie and we'll go to the pub then?" Nate said cheerily, sitting up straighter as if he has solved his first detective case.

"I can't,"

"I'm guessing it has to do with a certain writing voodoo that you're going to explain to me?"

"Every story that I've started has never been started without having an ending," Elizabeth said ignoring him. "When I write something, I know exactly how it's going to end. Exactly where the sequel is going to pick up. I know where to start. And where to stop,"

"But it's the middle that's got you worked up," Nate said slowly, slicking back his hair that had been growing for the past couple of months. Elizabeth nodded.

"And it's not just that. I have literally about thirty other ideas and stories I want to start! But I told myself that I have to focus on one at a time. So now I have these stories that are like four, five chapters in, just sitting in my computer,"

"Damn you world for being so inspirational," the Irishman narrowed his eyes and shook his fist as the sky. Elizabeth grinned wryly.

"Soooo," Nate puckered his lips. "In conclusion. You've got ADD."

"Shut up," Elizabeth laughed and slapped his arm.

"C'mon, let's go have a drink and hope you don't write a story about it. First you need to shower,"

"Go back to Scotland,"

"Hey..." Nate said dangerously.

And then they proceeded to make hot passionate touchy touchy time.

So that is pretty much why I don't update when I should.

I have stories just sitting in my computer about Jack Sparrow, Dean Winchester, Sirius Black, Godric (True Blood), Iron Man, Jack White, Jack Mercer (Four Brothers), Frodo Baggins, John Keats, Niclaus (Vampire Diaries), Mozart etc etc...

because I'm afraid if I don't write a few chapters, I'll forget the idea forever.

I hope this shined some light on why I've been absent on and off. Just bear with me my dears and I'll try to make this as painless as possible for the both of us.

(Nate is a mix between the looks and attitude of Tate Langdon from American Horror Show and the accent and personality of Nathan from Misfits)
November 14th, 2011 at 10:14am