No offense, but guys suck.

Honestly, it's true.

Okay, maybe not all guys, but a guy in my life sucks. He drives me like insane, like one day we were together and he was saying he loved me and then like just the next day it was: "I feel weird us being together." And the freaking sad thing is I have let him do this to me like a million times. Okay, only three, but that's too much.

I wish I didn't keep on letting him in. I wish I didn't like him so much. I wish it wasn't this hard to just try to forget about him. (Which, by the way, I'm doing rather good at. Kinda.) Haaha. I don't know what to do.

1. How do you just forget about a guy?
2. How do I just stop letting him in my life?
3. How do I hurt him back, or do I even need to?
November 15th, 2011 at 05:16am