the quicksand

so I was digging through all my shit cuz I plan on moving in a few months and I happened to come across the suicide note that I procured up in 2008. no one has ever seen it but I and it was dated (yes dated cuz I'm lame like that to date my own final letter) October 29, 2008. i've only told one person about it and I still wonder if she even remembers that I told her. anyway there was nothing that proceeded the letter but more of the same. I'm obviously still here cuz I'm writing this but it's crazy to think that I've slipped that far down into the quicksand in the past. i really shouldn't be sharing this bit of myself to random people but whatevs. I don't really have anyone close enough to share this with (not that i let very many people in anyways) and I just needed to tell someone. I can't really bring this up with the parentals cuz they would most certainly FLIP A TIT!! lol.

random fact: I just ate half of a tuna salad sandwich and i'm probably going to throw the other half away and guess what... I don't care who knows I AM NOT ASHAMED!!!

haha well toodles my lovely people

if you read this, do you know what the phrase "squeaky cheese curds" means?
November 16th, 2011 at 10:37am