Randomness (11,16,2011)

So time here is 9:26. I am bored and classes are back tomorrow. Right nao I am chatting with someone I hide under the name Harrison. KWe'retalkingaboutdogs. XD

And i am still bored. that is why I am typing this while waiting for his reply.

I suddenly had this thought that in the future, if ever i have a daughter i will name her Sham. I grew so attached with this name. I dont even know. Sham had always been the name i used in my stories.

And wanna know where I got the name?
See, I like the food Shawarma. And i thought that if Shawarma has a nickname it would be Sham.

And yes, I am awkward and weird enough to name all my stories with the name Sham.

Because i'm an owl.

I like carrots.

So anyway, it would be nice if I name my daughter Sham (I mean if I ever have a daughter, not that i'm hurrying or anything) and I would like Sham to be an awesome person. Because honestly sometimes, what I see of myself or what I wanted myself to be, i put my expectations on Sham.

So there you go. Sham Morgan. I love that name.
November 16th, 2011 at 02:31pm